Love Vs Attachment

In 1 Corinthians 13 the Bible list all the attributes of LOVE. But, oftentimes the word Love have been misquoted, misused and misconstrued.

Society has taught us that Love should become whatever we want it to be. But, if we follow the principles and outlines of the Bible we would realize that Love isn’t subject to change to fit or meet our expectations but we are expected to GROW and EVOLVE so that we will be able to model it in such a way that it inspires the masses.

In this blog I share six differences between LOVE and ATTACHMENT;

1) Love is selfless not selfish, attachment on the other hand feeds the ego and is strongly self-willed– it seeks instant gratification.

2) Love is sacrifice like Jesus who knew no sin but become sin so that we could be Redeemed. Reconciled. Regenerated, into a kingdom what is far beyond us and this world. Therefore when a person loves they make sacrifice. In the case of attachment sacrifice is never made.

3) Love must be cultivated or developed. Truth be told ,True Love can last a lifetime if both parties are willing to work together and compromise for the greater good. When we are attached to something/someone it is easy for us to develop a bond with individuals/environments when it gives us a sense of satisfaction. But, It will fizzle out after a period of time because it as no solid foundation.

True Love is never seen right off the bat. It takes a minute for us to see it, one must be willing to grow into it. For love is a process and there is no such thing as Love at first sight. Attachments is instantaneous but there is no longevity.

4) Attachment in most cases is a state of neediness. A strong desire to feel valued or feel a sense belonging to someone or something. If we ignore overlook individuals with these emotions, they may become demanding and possessive. For oftentimes they have an emptiness within. And they believe if they cling to environments/people it will fill the void. Love on the other isn’t experienced until you first love yourself and become whole in Christ. Persons who have not experience wholeness are emotionally unavailable.

5) Love forgives, when you genuinely loves someone you forgive. Attachment on the other hand whenever a person feels hurt by another person/institution they tend to detached instantly without remorse.

6) Love is a choice, not a feeling or emotion. Feelings are fleeting, emotions are deceptive and forever changing. Attachment is both an emotion and feeling it is based on how you feel or how someone makes you feel.

Love is both tangible and intangible. Though we are not able to touch it. But, we feel it around us and within us. We are able to see it in others and we can tell if someone truly love us in their practical deeds for love is far beyond words.


IG: Warrior_queen787

Who Is A VIRTUOUS Woman?

Happy Women’s History Month to all the amazing and relentless women across the globe. Keep living, leading and succeeding.

In today’s blog I will share SOME of the main characteristics of a virtuous Woman.

Who is a VIRTUOUS Woman? A woman who is empowered and anchored in God and her purpose.

Proverbs 31 mentioned all the attributes of a virtuous woman. In this blog, I shared my candid opinion on the four that stood out with me from the text.

1) A woman who knows her WORTH – she’s too RARE, to compare herself to anyone. Even though this is life is a race, it’s not a competition. As a result she sees every woman as a teammate not an opponent.

2) She’s Positioned – she must be in alignment with what God has called her to do. A woman positioned in purpose and is in submission to God’s plan for her life. The call of God is far greater than her.

3) She’s Neighbourly- it is her innate nature to serve others. She gives without expecting anything in return.

4) She is practical – a go getter , she see’s what she wants and goes after it. She plans and execute. No procrastination!

Every WOMAN is CALLED to be a virtuous Woman. But, are you willing to do what is necessary to become a woman of honor? Your on fleek makeup is irrelevant, if what you possessed inside does not match up with who YOU portray to be outside. Your substance is what makes you a virtuous Woman.

Who are you behind closed doors? When lights , camera and action are turned off, do you remain the same person or do you become someone else?

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for these powerful and amazing women . You’ve called us to be virtuous and valuable Women. Help us to recognize that we carriers of greatness in the earth, for You created us to be women of honor, who are positioned in purpose. If we have fallen short, lead us back to our place of honor. We thank you for your unconditional love towards us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Is Valentine’s Day Overrated?

Valentine’s day, is just around the corner . I know some folks who are dating / married and might be over the moon about this day of LOVE. But, for some SINGLES who are struggling in their singleness. It is a bit of a bummer. But, are you really missing out?

“ Do I celebrate Valentine’s day? I actually don’t! And it’s not because I’m single. I just don’t see the reason for it. There is a misconception about love , the world has tricked us into believing that love should be placed inside of a box. They’ve lied to us! The real purpose behind it is for the rich to get richer and to poor to stay poor. It’s all about the money. “Buy a gift for your significant other” that is just a scheme to get us to spend more money.

If you genuinely love someone, why can’t everyday be a day of love? I don’t see the reason why we should limit it to one day. Why not everyday? Isn’t love suppose to be consistent? I believe Valentine’s day is overrated. Love should never be confined to a certain holiday. True love is infinite like The one who founded it, Jehovah God. And there is no true love without Him.

Don’t be obsessed with the idea of LOVE . Because everyone around you are dating/ married, you may feel left out.. You want to be included. Have someone. Be with someone. Feel wanted . It is okay, if you only have YOU. There is no law against those who are single on that day. You can “breathe a sigh of relief”. They won’t lock YOU up in jail and throw away the key. It is really okay.

At the right time YOU will be aligned with your purpose partner. When you least expect it. Not, when you are desperate for LOVE. When you are ready for companionship. You’ve matured, positioned and gleaning in the field of PURPOSE!

It will not happen until you first love YOU. The man in the mirror. Have you found love with You? Do you invest in yourself? Are you so wanting to have someone in your life that you neglect what is important? You. The first priority. You will never have healthy relationships until you, work on you.

This Valentine’s day take the time to love yourself. Invest in YOU. Don’t waste time in meaningless relationships, on people who do not see your Value. If you’ve to constantly remind them of your WORTH, you deserve better. Next please!

Prayer: Lord, I pray for each person reading this. That they will find peace in their singleness. And not become obsessed with the idea of Love. And will embrace this season with hope that when the time is right, you align them with their person. While you are processing them, they will seek you more in spirit and truth. I pray that the spirit of revelation will rest on each person. Amen!

SN: What do you think about Valentine’s day? Feel free to voice your opinions.

Singleness Isn’t Torture

I’ve been asked a lot of questions pertaining to dating/relationships. Like, are you dating? When will you start dating? When will you get married? I’ve always been tight lipped about my personal life. I believe now, is the time to be transparent about WHY I chose to remain SINGLE at this point in my life.

Though relationships are important. My life is not centered around people and intimate relationships. Christ is the center of my life, now and forever. He should be the center of your life as well.

I chose to be single because I refuse to settle for someone who isn’t ready to commit to a relationship, that will bring glory to God. Lives should be impacted and Christ must be seen in the way we treat each other. I chose celibacy, I will never be in a relationship that is one sided, one person pours their heart out and the feelings aren’t reciprocated. Yes, I’m single but all for the right reasons.

Singleness isn’t torture, it is such a blessing! I’ve found myself in this season of my Life. I’ve aligned to PURPOSE and becoming more of who God created me to be! Such a fulfilling feeling.

Singleness does not mean you’re unhappy or even lonely. It means you are preparing for God’s best. Invest in yourself and spend time growing more into your PURPOSE. You have to own your singleness, enjoy your own company, get you some “me time”. Find your weaknesses and improve them. Learn your strength and build upon the foundation that you’ve discovered. I’m trusting God to send my best friend, purpose partner and the man who will protect my heart , love me as Christ loves the Church and lead by example. The man who will honor God above everything and everyone else. God, I don’t mind waiting for your best!

Prayer : Lord, touch each person reading this. At times it may be difficult for us to embrace the season that we are in. Give us more patience that we will not lose faith of what is to come. Amen!

Be You!

Outward beauty, is the first thing that attracts us to someone especially the opposite sex. Still, it takes more than what’s outside to keep us interested. Because, looks deceive us ever so often. Many put on a facade of what they want the world to see, in reality they’re “China Made ” version of what doesn’t exists. In order for us to build and grow a healthy foundation we must first take off the mask that we’re wearing and let our TRUE selves be seen.

If you are not allowed you to be yourself, let it go! Whatever the relational content may be. Do not shrink who you are to keep anyone in your LIFE! Never let the pressure of needing a relationship FORCE you into settling for less than what God has for you.

Singleness isn’t torture it’s better than settling for someone who is constantly trying to change who you are. When someone genuinely loves you they understand that you’re mere human and prone to making mistakes or falling short of what is expected of you. If you are experiencing more judgements more than you do corrections that isn’t a healthy relationship. Be with someone who is willing to grow with you! Look through you and see the fruits in you!

Know your “why” and what it is that you’re expecting from the relationship. See if it lines up with your long term goals that you’ve set. Ensure you both are on the same wave length and are going in the same direction. No, confusion and misdirection!!! Growth and acceleration!! That is a WIN!

Prayer: Lord, we are grateful that you have given us this opportunity to love and be loved. Though, oftentimes the love we give are not reciprocated. Give us wisdom to identify difference, may we not be ignorant of the Red Flags you show us ever so often. Grant us your peace, so that we will be decisive with what has to be done at the appropriate time . We thank you and for your faithfulness, in Jesus name, Amen.

The Change Begins With Me: I must be accountable!

The Change that you’ve been burning for starts with you! When you become accountable for your past mishaps and acknowledge that change only begins when you develop a new mindset. Stop blaming others for what you think they should’ve done differently. And accept responsibilities for your own actions.

You are shortchanging yourself if you believe that people will do for you what you’re not willing to do for yourself. Never believe that people owe you anything. The only person who is obligated to “You” is the person you see staring back at you in the mirror.

Life ain’t fair but it will get easier once you begin to take responsibilities for your own shortcomings and stop blaming others.

Well, it’s now 2019 time to take account for what really COUNTS!

Prayer; Teach us your ways and heavenly principles. We pray for a renewed mind. We will no longer think the way we used to. The change we need begins with us. Amen

Purpose Must Be Processed!!

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” well that just ain’t true. It’s quite the contrary If you love it, you have to work hard to preserve and grow into it.

Though you show a great aptitude in your purpose – discipline is also an ingredient that must not be ignored. I have seen many gifted individuals lived continously without purpose or passion some even die not knowing who they were created to be. For fear had polluted their minds and cloud their judgements.

Some are terrified of the process that they must undergo to get to the place of ” Manifesting The PURPOSE “. There are days that you may feel like you want to quit, scream, or even run as fast as you can! I had those days, when winning looks unrealistic- i keep pushing but I am not seeing the results of my labour. It gets harder for you are dealing with an internal struggle that only you know exists .

Even when I felt like I was losing, I kept believing (still do) and beliefs are important, all you need is something to hold on to and Trust In. My belief system is source from above “GOD” and I trust that what He Has placed inside of me is enough, what He Has placed inside of you is all you need – just build upon it and grow deliberately into your greatness and you will win!!

Prayer: Thank you Lord, for your words that are light and life to us. In Jeremiah 29:11, you said there is an expected end in you. So, as we work deliberately towards our goals you are present with us. To see it come to fruition. We thank you for being our constant peace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Perception &Misconception

There’s nothing more empowering like your God given able to perceive what’s current, right? Oftentimes perception creates a reality that doesn’t exist. It is based on what you see naturally- It may look one way and is completely opposite . Not everything is as how it seems. Keep that in mind the next time you try to assume based on what you see rather than the truth that is subsist.

Misconception is easily invaded into an non-existing reality. Your perception is blurred and you misunderstand what is clearly obvious. Perception will us to believe based on a inner feeling. Not on truth! Feelings/ Emotions can be very deceptive.

In a nutshell, it is okay to follow an inner feeling just ensure that it is more than a hunch- don’t let it mislead you to place where false looks like truth and wrong is concluded to be right It should be solid with much truth behind it.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your unconditional love towards us. You are truly an awesome God! Open our eyes to see the truth that exists, Amen!

Brokeness Vs Wholeness

“Life Is Just For Living” cliche but true. A person will never be able to live to their full potential if there’s a dysfunction occurring within . Merely existing doing what is necessary to survive, living a plain unsophisticated life while struggling to cover the pain that only you know exists, for it lives within. Sounds like a sad and lonely place.

Most people hide in plain sight wearing an untamed mask of what they want the world to see. While slowly the oxygen out their lungs is squeezed bit by bit. You’re suffocating because you refuse to let go of pride and confess they’re scars no one sees, tears you cried in the night when no one’s noticing and pain you lived through in solitary .

Life can be disappointing, but don’t allow what you went through to halt you from experiencing WHOLENESS which is only found in Christ. It’s time to get your life back! You must be aggressive, deliberate and determine. To be broken is just merely existing- wholeness is living to your full potential! THRIVING and WINNING!

Prayer: Lord, Brokenness is not what you want for us. We surrender the broken pieces of our lives at your feet. We trust that you will heal us so that we will be able walk to in WHOLENESS, Amen.

Winning Right Now!

To WIN now means quitting any feelings of procrastination in relations to your destiny . So often we allow fear to paralyse us from embracing the CHANGE we need to get to the next level. We delay what is necessary because the unknown challenges us beyond our comfort zone.

You’ll never begin to experience or live your best Life until you are willing to let go of what you are used to. Be willing and open to Change. Time is a fickle one season YOU were stuck in a place that was unfruitful and the next you’re thrust out of the known and into the unknown living to your full potential . But, You’ll never know what’s next, just trust God has He navigates the route of your life.

Are you ready to win right now?? The more important question is, Are you willing to prepare yourself to Win Right Now? Which means no more procrastination, clinging to fear and sticking to your comfort zone. 

Prayer: Thank you Lord for stretching us. So that we can live to our full potential . We may not understand but we Trust you. Where you lead, we will definitely follow, Amen.