Love Vs Attachment

In 1 Corinthians 13 the Bible list all the attributes of LOVE. But, oftentimes the word Love have been misquoted, misused and misconstrued.

Society has taught us that Love should become whatever we want it to be. But, if we follow the principles and outlines of the Bible we would realize that Love isn’t subject to change to fit or meet our expectations but we are expected to GROW and EVOLVE so that we will be able to model it in such a way that it inspires the masses.

In this blog I share six differences between LOVE and ATTACHMENT;

1) Love is selfless not selfish, attachment on the other hand feeds the ego and is strongly self-willed– it seeks instant gratification.

2) Love is sacrifice like Jesus who knew no sin but become sin so that we could be Redeemed. Reconciled. Regenerated, into a kingdom what is far beyond us and this world. Therefore when a person loves they make sacrifice. In the case of attachment sacrifice is never made.

3) Love must be cultivated or developed. Truth be told ,True Love can last a lifetime if both parties are willing to work together and compromise for the greater good. When we are attached to something/someone it is easy for us to develop a bond with individuals/environments when it gives us a sense of satisfaction. But, It will fizzle out after a period of time because it as no solid foundation.

True Love is never seen right off the bat. It takes a minute for us to see it, one must be willing to grow into it. For love is a process and there is no such thing as Love at first sight. Attachments is instantaneous but there is no longevity.

4) Attachment in most cases is a state of neediness. A strong desire to feel valued or feel a sense belonging to someone or something. If we ignore overlook individuals with these emotions, they may become demanding and possessive. For oftentimes they have an emptiness within. And they believe if they cling to environments/people it will fill the void. Love on the other isn’t experienced until you first love yourself and become whole in Christ. Persons who have not experience wholeness are emotionally unavailable.

5) Love forgives, when you genuinely loves someone you forgive. Attachment on the other hand whenever a person feels hurt by another person/institution they tend to detached instantly without remorse.

6) Love is a choice, not a feeling or emotion. Feelings are fleeting, emotions are deceptive and forever changing. Attachment is both an emotion and feeling it is based on how you feel or how someone makes you feel.

Love is both tangible and intangible. Though we are not able to touch it. But, we feel it around us and within us. We are able to see it in others and we can tell if someone truly love us in their practical deeds for love is far beyond words.


IG: Warrior_queen787

2 thoughts on “Love Vs Attachment

  1. Thank you for sharing. Very timely and beneficial. I listen to your podcast episode on love vs attachment couple months and I was moved by the information you shared. To read the blog about is just incredible, thank you.

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